Party Wall Award for a new build development in Sevenoaks, Kent
Acting as an ‘Agreed Surveyor’ representing both the Adjoining Owner (neighbour adjacent to the works) and the Building Owner (developer of the site) to agree an Excavation only Award.
Proposed works consisted of both piling and ground beams within 6 metres of a neighbouring structure. The developer served the requisite Notice such that my appointment as Agreed Surveyor, recording a schedule of condition of the neighbouring premises and drafting and serving of the Award needed to take place within a very short space of time due to the expensive piling rig poised to start works soon. The Award was drafted and served with all necessary checks and safeguards being made to protect the neighbour but also in good time to enable the developer to commence works when the piling rig arrived on site.
Areas Covered
Providing services within London, the entire inner M25 area and South East Region
07823 520 787
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:00